From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Change management

Change management

- [Instructor] Information technology is in a constant state of change. It's hard to find an organization that relies on technology that doesn't go through changes every day, ranging from simple software updates to major system deployments. Cybersecurity professionals must understand the role that change management plays in protecting an organization. Change is a good thing. Progress comes from change, and organizations change on a daily basis. When it comes to information technology, organizations need to take steps to ensure that change achieves business objectives without disrupting operations. That's where change management comes into play. Change management processes ensure that organizations follow a standard process for requesting, reviewing, approving, and implementing changes to information systems. They have the goal of minimizing the probability and impact of disruptions to normal IT service because of a change. This includes an assessment of the security impact of a…
