From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Authentication factors

Authentication factors

- [Instructor] Once you've identified yourself to a system, you must prove that claim of identity. That's where authentication comes into play. Computer systems offer many different authentication techniques that allow users to prove their identity. Let's take a look at four different authentication factors. Something you know, something you are, something you have, and somewhere you are. Now, by far, the most common authentication factor is something you know. Typically, knowledge-based authentication comes in the form of a password that the user remembers and enters into a system during the authentication process. Users should choose strong passwords consisting of as many characters as possible and combining characters from multiple classes, such as uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols. One of the best ways to create a strong password is to use a passphrase instead. For example, you might choose the easily memorable phrase, "Chocolate-covered strawberries are for…
