From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Attack indicators

Attack indicators

- [Instructor] Security professionals must understand the signs or indicators of common attacks. You need this knowledge so you can better defend your systems and networks and detect attacks when they occur. These indicators can be subtle, but if you recognize them quickly, you have the opportunity to intervene in an attack before too much damage is done. Account lockout is the first of these indicators. If users call the help desk reporting that their accounts have been locked but they don't remember typing in the wrong password, that's a sign that an attacker might be waging a brute force attempt to gain access to their account. This should prompt immediate action, including user notification and password reset. Concurrent session usage can also be an alarm. If an account is logged in from multiple devices simultaneously, especially from different geographic locations, that could indicate that credentials have been compromised. Related to this are impossible travel time scenarios…
