From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Application security

Application security

- [Instructor] The world runs on software, applications control almost every aspect of our lives, ranging from the software that flies airplanes to applications that dispense money through ATMs. Software developers work hard every day to bring automation and integration to many aspects of our lives. Our increasing dependence on software makes it increasingly important that we use software that is known to be secure and reliable. We've seen the importance of software security in the news fairly regularly. In one case, a computer security researcher allegedly hacked into the navigation system of an airplane through the in-seat entertainment system and caused the plane to briefly fly sideways. It was fortunate that his motivations weren't sinister. If he truly had control of the aircraft's flight mechanisms, he could just as easily have crashed the plane. Hardly a day goes by that we don't see announcements of major application security vulnerabilities that threaten the confidentiality…
