From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Acquired software

Acquired software

- [Presenter] Most of the software used by organizations is not actually developed by internal software engineering teams, but is instead purchased from vendors, either as commercial-off-the-shelf software that runs on systems managed by the customer, or under the software as a service model of cloud computing, where the customer accesses software running on servers managed by the vendor. Security professionals must assess the security of acquired software to ensure that it meets the organization's security requirements. They should approach the assessment of acquired software from a similar standpoint as any other security assessment. Begin with a determination of the risk posed by the software, looking at the likelihood of a security issue and the impact of a software-related security incident on the organization's operations. The impact assessment should include all three legs of the information security triad, confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In most cases, the…
