From the course: CompTIA Security+ (SY0-701) Cert Prep

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Access control lists

Access control lists

- [Instructor] In a discretionary access control system, resource owners have the ability to set and modify permissions for other users of the system. File owners manage file system permissions by the creation of access control lists. An access control list is simply a table containing usernames and the permissions granted to each user on a resource. For example, I might own a file on a computer governed by a discretionary access control system and decide that I want other users to access my file. I might grant one user the ability to edit the file and a large group of users the ability to read that file. Each of those decisions would require an entry on an access control list. The NTFS file system used by Windows implements access control lists and allows users to assign a variety of permissions. Full control is just what the name implies, the user can perform any action on the file or folder. Read permission allows the user to view the contents of the file, while read and execute…
