From the course: CompTIA Network+ (N10-008) Cert Prep

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System monitoring

System monitoring

- Protocols like SNMP give us the opportunity to perform network monitoring. But in this episode, I want to drill down a little bit and talk about if we have these tools, what are we really looking for? What are we monitoring? What do we want to know about our networks and our individual host to make sure everything's up and running? So let's just go through some basic concepts, some of the stuff that you'll probably see on the exam. Now, keep in mind there's a lot more, this is just some of the core things I want you to consider when you're doing network monitoring. So what I've got here in front of me is a very popular, free tool called Zabbix. This is a SNMP tool, and by the way, I like Zabbix, but there's a lot of great ones out there that you pay for. For example, SolarWinds is a company that makes incredibly powerful tools and you got to pay for them. But in an enterprise environment, who cares? It's actually not…
