From the course: CompTIA Network+ (N10-008) Cert Prep

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Subnetting with CIDR

Subnetting with CIDR

- If you watched my episode about classfull subnetting, you recognize that the lords of the internet kind of messed up when it came to breaking up all of our IP address network IDs into just Class A, Class B, and Class C. We need a way that gives us a more granular control over how we take one subnet and chop it up into lots of little subnets. And we do that through something known as Classless Inter-Domain Routing, or better known as CIDR. Now, CIDR has been around since around the mid nineties, so this isn't anything new, but it is a very powerful tool and a little bit complicated. Now, if there was ever an episode where you're going to be hitting that pause button, it's going to be this one. This is something you'll probably want to watch two or three times, and pause and calculate. This is not an intuitive idea but you can get it, and it's very cool and it's something that everybody uses. Now we've all seen an IP address. So if we take a look at an IP address, say, we…
