From the course: CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (CLO-002) Exam Tips
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Report on the financial expenditures
From the course: CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (CLO-002) Exam Tips
Report on the financial expenditures
- [Instructor] When you deploy to the cloud, the biggest problem is cloud costs. You need to monitor your financial expenses and then monitor it some more and then some more. Let's return to this topic of costs to discuss specific expenses that can arise. When considering storage, a great use case for reviewing and reporting on usage would be to understand how the usage of storage can drive up costs or lower costs based on design of use. Storage can very quickly drive up costs if not planned correctly. You can lower costs based on design. That is but one example. Another example could be with network resources, where upon financial review, you find that your network connection from your on-premise data center to the cloud is very costly, and upon review, it can be downgraded. Once you have right-sized your services, you need to continue to monitor it for financial cost and then budget for it. Maintenance scenarios…