From the course: CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (CLO-002) Exam Tips

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Identify cloud storage technologies

Identify cloud storage technologies

- [Instructor] Before you can successfully deploy cloud technologies on a network, you need to be able to define the different networking types and solutions and how these work together during a cloud deployment. Let's look at some cloud connectivity types to get started. Okay, there are two cloud connectivity types you need to know. Basically, this is how users access the cloud. They are direct access connection, which is private and dedicated to the customer, and a virtual private network, or VPN, which is public. First, a VPN. This you implement to get a customer quickly connected to the cloud at low cost. You can connect from a data center to a cloud provider via a gateway system over the internet. In the image, you can see a local data center using a remote gateway and a VPN connection over the internet to connect to a VPN gateway at a cloud provider to connect directly to its virtual private cloud, or VPC…
