From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep
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Installing and troubleshooting expansion cards
From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep
Installing and troubleshooting expansion cards
- So even though we live in a world of, you know, really built to exact specification, PCs, you will eventually need to install and possibly troubleshoot expansion cards. So let's take a look at the modern expansion card format and then get hands on with one of our most common issues. First of all, I want to introduce you to something that's a little near and dear to my heart because I remember when I got my first PCI sound card and it was absolutely awesome not having to deal with any jumpers or switches on it. If you're an old tech, you'll understand that. But this is a really, really old device but it actually uses the predecessor to what we're going to talk about. So it's important here. This actually is what's called a peripheral component interconnect or PCI, and it was actually the first plug and play type of add-on expansion. It's actually really neat. Now you'll notice our PCI normal ports here, our PCI, excuse…
USB standards10m
Understanding USB10m 38s
Configuring USB7m 10s
Thunder and lightning5m 15s
Optical media9m 42s
Readers and scanners6m 35s
Common peripherals5m
Webcams and videoconferencing3m 17s
Installing and troubleshooting expansion cards5m 19s