From the course: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) Cert Prep

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CPU generations and architecture

CPU generations and architecture

- So we've learned a lot about what type of features a CPU has, but by now you're probably wondering what that whole alphabet soup of letters and numbers alongside a CPU's name actually means. And understanding the nomenclature of CPU models will actually ensure that you make a wise choice when the time comes in either choosing your CPU or CPU for a client. So in this video we're going to learn about the different generations and their corresponding CPU architecture so that we can make the best decision possible. So let's go ahead and pull up a couple modern examples of CPUs. And we have the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X as well as the Intel core i9 12900K. Does that make sense to you at all? Probably not. Probably because like me when I first started, you don't understand all the different nomenclature of the CPU. So let's dig into that a little bit. First thing you're going to notice on these two CPU names here, and again, we're bringing back those same two CPUs that we just displayed in the…
