From the course: Complete Guide to Git
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View stashed changes - Git Tutorial
From the course: Complete Guide to Git
View stashed changes
- [Instructor] In this movie, we will learn how to view the changes that we've put into the stash. There are two commands that we need to learn. The first is git stash list and it's another one of these double commands where we're telling the git stash feature that it should list the entries of the things that are in the stash. The second command is git stash show, followed by a reference to a stashed entry, and that will be one of those entries that we see in the list and it will show us more details about what's in that entry. These are easy to understand if we see them both in action. In the last movie, I put two sets of changes into the stash, so when we list them, we ought to see those two entries. If I do git stash list, sure enough we see those two. Here's the first entry I made, and it uses the default description that git uses if we don't specify a message, WIP, which is short for work in progress, on the main branch, and then it has the SHA that the main branch was at when…
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