From the course: Complete Guide to Git
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Solution: Track down problems - Git Tutorial
From the course: Complete Guide to Git
Solution: Track down problems
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I hope that you did well with this challenge assignment and that you were able to find this change using three different techniques. In this movie, I'm going to show you the solution that I came up with for all three. So the change we're looking for is the point at which AKA, change to also known as. That's what we want to identify and we know that it's in the index dot html file around line 314. I've already got a window nice and wide and it has a smaller font in it. So I can fit the output of blame into the screen. I will use git blame and then I'm going to use the date equals short option just to make it a little more condensed. Now I already know that this text that we're looking for is around line 314, that was in the assignment. So I don't need to go look it up, but I could. I could go look at the file and find it, but I'm just going to use the line option and I'm going to look at all of the text from 312 to 316, just in case it's in a slightly…
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