From the course: Complete Guide to Generative AI for Data Analysis and Data Science
Visualizing data
From the course: Complete Guide to Generative AI for Data Analysis and Data Science
Visualizing data
- [Instructor] Data visualizations are an important part of data analysis and data science, and they're tools that really fundamentally help us understand data and help us understand data quickly. They're typically used for things like showing the relationship between variables, getting an idea of what a distribution is for a particular variable, and spotting trends and other patterns in data. Now, data visualizations are important because they enable a rapid assessment of properties of the datasets and variables within those datasets, and they're also really useful for helping us communicate insights as well. Now, there are many types of visualizations. Some of the most common are used for trend analysis, and those visualizations are things like line and area charts. When we're dealing with a question of composition, pie charts and stacked bar charts are good options. If we're trying to understand the distribution of the data of a particular variable, then histograms are great, box plots, Q-Q plots, Normality, of course, is a big consideration in many statistics tests. They work well when the data's normally distributed. Sometimes we want to take a quick look at those. Histograms and Q-Q plots are good for those. Correlation, when we're trying to understand if there is a relationship between variables, such as either a positive relationship, like both variables increase together, or a negative relationship, where one increases and another decreases. So scatterplots and bubble plots can help with that. And of course, when you're looking at, like, geographic data, just mapping data on maps helps. And another type of visualization that's often used is heat maps as well. So these are different types of visualizations, and going forward, we're going to take a look at some of these different types of visualizations.
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Distributions of data7m 27s
Visualizing a normal distribution in a spreadsheet3m 29s
Jupyter Notebook and Colab3m 51s
Generating a normal distribution6m 23s
Visualizing a normal distribution in Python4m 56s
Visualizing a uniform distribution in Python3m
Visualizing a bimodal distribution in Python5m 54s
Challenge: Distributions of data40s
Solution: Distribution of data4m 7s
Inferential statistics4m 25s
Hypothesis testing methodology4m 17s
Analyzing customer preferences11m 20s
Type I and type II errors1m 30s
ANOVA tests for comparing means1m 55s
Generating Python scripts for ANOVA3m 45s
Testing independence of categorical variables1m 53s
Generating Python Scripts for Chi-squared tests3m 33s
Correlation analysis7m 12s
Testing for normality2m 25s
Generating Python for testing normality3m 46s
Generating Python for correlation analysis2m 12s
Challenge: Making inferences from data24s
Solution: Making inferences from data3m 17s
Linear regression7m 44s
Evaluating linear regression models2m 37s
Visualizing sales data1m 56s
Building a linear regression model4m 16s
Evaluating a sales linear regression model2m 46s
Challenge: Building a regression model48s
Solution: Building a regression model4m 32s
Data files4m 9s
Using spreadsheets with CSV files2m 43s
Reviewing an example JSON file4m 29s
Using jq with JSON files6m 23s
Generating jq commands using AI6m 1s
Dataframes in Python8m 20s
Loading CSV data into dataframes3m 44s
Loading JSON into dataframes6m 17s
Inspecting dataframes4m 12s
Data quality and data cleansing6m 28s
Using AI for data quality and data cleansing5m 6s
Challenge: Missing data35s
Solution: Missing data4m
Relational databases15m 15s
NoSQL databases10m 21s
Extraction, transformation, and loading data into databases5m 46s
Introduction to SQL5m 45s
Creating tables and inserting data8m 2s
Querying data with SQL10m 28s
Joining data with SQL6m 57s
Descriptiive statistics in SQL4m 55s
Generating synthetic data sets for a relational database7m 12s
Generating a star schema, synthetic data, and queries3m 41s
Challenge: Generate a relational data model1m 12s
Solution: Generate a relational data model4m 32s
Simple classification model8m 34s
Handling missing data5m
Comparing multiple algorithms6m 43s
Classification with neural networks14m 22s
Hyperparameter tuning6m 32s
Evaluating feature importance2m 24s
Challenge: Predicting consumer intent41s
Solution: Predicting consumer intent7m 26s
Introduction to graph theory5m 54s
NetworkX4m 27s
Analyzing a social network7m 15s
Supply chains and network analysis3m 20s
Generating a synthetic supply chain4m 5s
Visualizing a complex supply chain3m 37s
Finding highest betweenness scores4m 36s
Advanced topics in supply chain analysis6m 26s
Challenge: Analyzing a social network19s
Solution: Analyzing a social network2m 35s
Introduction to simulations2m 42s
Types of simulations10m 3s
Modeling inventory management7m 13s
Agent-based modeling9m 43s
Modeling the spread of infectious diseases4m 29s
Agent-base infectious diseases modeling5m 21s
Challenge: Simulating forest fires55s
Solution: Simulating forest fires5m 49s