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Introduction to SQL

Introduction to SQL

- [Instructor] We're going to look at SQL and how we use SQL in data analytics. So basically SQL is a language for manipulating data and structures in relational databases. This is going to be our core tool when we're working with relational databases. Now, I should say SQL is part of relational databases. So if you're working with a relational database, you're going to have access to SQL. SQL has also grown outside of relational databases in the sense that non relational databases may also use SQL. And actually maybe what I should say is non relational data stores. So there are data stores that use object storage in the cloud, which is a different type of mechanism. It doesn't have all of the properties of relational databases like asset transactions and things like that. But there are times where you can use SQL to manipulate data or query data in these different types of data stores. So if you're working with a relational database, you will have access to SQL. If you're working…
