From the course: Communication within Teams
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Communicating virtually within teams
From the course: Communication within Teams
Communicating virtually within teams
- Virtual teams experience some unique benefits and challenges. Luckily, there are things we can do to improve the performance of virtual teams by focusing on our team's communication. One of the most important things you can do is take the extra time to build connections with your colleagues. This might not feel natural at first, but it's critical, relationships matter. Three ways you can get to know your teammates virtually are, one, create virtual spaces or times for conversations. Open office hours or town hall style meetings give people a chance to check in and voice ideas or concerns. Two, post monthly or quarterly virtual socials. A happy hour, trivia, or game night are a fun way to connect with your team outside of your work. Three, ask good questions. If I ask you how you're doing, you'll likely respond with a one-word answer. In fact, it's become somewhat of an ignored greeting to ask someone how they're…
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Establish roles2m 50s
Delegate responsibilities2m 42s
Collaborate to establish team goals and charter2m 52s
Define expectations in your team4m 24s
Build trust in your team3m 40s
Manage accountability within teams4m 5s
Provide feedback within teams3m 15s
Manage conflict within teams5m 3s
Communicating virtually within teams3m 24s
Cross-cultural communication within teams4m 19s
Measure success within teams4m 11s