From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Working through resistance

Working through resistance

- Employee development coaching is all about self-reflection and growth, which often means change and change can be hard for some people. When your people take on new projects or stretch assignments like we covered in the last video, you can count on running into some kind of resistance or pushback during the process. It is completely normal. In fact, what you might discover is that not everyone you manage will want to be coached, and not everyone is coachable. So here's what, some people are not experienced or skilled enough to be self-directed. They need a lot of guidance and mentoring, and others are not emotionally capable of doing the deeper self-reflective work coaching tends to draw out. And then again, some people are so self-directed and so highly competent and accountable that they just don't see the point, other than quick check-ins. So I think it would be a mistake to make coaching mandatory for all your…
