From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Managing accountability

Managing accountability

- Coaching would not be coaching without accountability. This is where your employee takes the what and turns it into the how. Accountability involves three elements. What action is your employee agreeing to do, when will they do it, and how will you know they accomplished it? In-between making an agreement, taking action toward a deadline, and communicating the results of those actions light all kinds of detours and learning opportunities. Obviously, some actions and agreements are simple or transactional, like scheduling a meeting and reporting back about the results. Others may involve more complex details, like organizing a workshop or a training. With long-tail agreements like that, you'll want to guide your people to establish milestones and encourage them to define how and when they'll communicate their progress. A point to remember here, failure is a part of the process. Missed deadlines, botched actions…
