From the course: Coaching and Developing Employees

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Cornerstones of coaching

Cornerstones of coaching

- Be curious, let the employee lead, and coach the whole person. These are the three cornerstones of the coaching process that will anchor all your conversations and help you work smarter, not harder. We'll illustrate those cornerstones in action with Cassidy, a team leader, and her manager Avi. Now, Cassidy's been pretty disengaged in her work and falling behind. In many organizations that would be a cue to step in and say, "Look, I've been noticing your numbers are in the tank and if they don't improve by next quarter, I can't promise you'll have a future here." Now, I doubt that the fear and shame approach would inspire Cassidy to happily bounce back and get things turned around. What's missing in that approach is the first cornerstone, curiosity. This is an empathetic, open-ended question asking to find out why Cassidy's performance is off. Asking open-ended questions. Those to begin with who, what, when, where…
