From the course: Cloud Security Concepts: Services and Compliance

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Security as code

Security as code

- [Instructor] Security is code and cloud applications can help direct vulnerabilities and security bugs. Security is code. Our SAC works around the concept that an application and connected data has special security requirements that need to be defined along with the application or is code. An example of this is a single application that manages personal information subject to the laws of the country where the data is housed. This may be a compliance requirement that's only related to the specific dataset. SAC allows you to define processes, mechanisms, and technologies specific to that application and dataset, allowing you to leverage the application's data and security as a self-contained bundle where the security is defined as part of the application and data. Using SAC, we could add a few security components to this application and data including encryption in flight type and behaviors, encryption at rest types and behaviors, identity dynamically defined, roles and security…
