From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
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Why we don't leverage private clouds
From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
Why we don't leverage private clouds
- [Instructor] Private clouds may not always be the best solution for your organization. Now, don't get me wrong. Private clouds have their advantages, but they also have some serious drawbacks that you need to consider before jumping on the private cloud bandwagon. First and foremost, private clouds require a significant investment in hardware, software, and personnel. You need to have the expertise and resources to design, deploy, and manage a private cloud environment, which can be a significant burden for smaller businesses or those with limited IT budgets. Thus, private clouds are usually only an option available to larger businesses. Secondly, private clouds can be inflexible and slow to scale, considering that you have to purchase new hardware to allow this to happen. Since the infrastructure is dedicated or owned by a single organization, it can be challenging to scale resources up or down quickly to meet changing…