From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
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Why do we build complex cloud deployments?
From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
Why do we build complex cloud deployments?
- [Instructor] As we look at what hybrids and multiclouds are, you may notice that they're a bit more complex than single cloud deployments like private cloud or a public cloud. This is because we're dealing with more heterogeneous deployments. This means more than a single cloud brand such as AWS, Microsoft, and Google, or a private cloud deployment such as OpenStack. It's this diversity that adds complexity to this deployment. While we're using more complex architectures to get to business goals in more optimized ways, there are disadvantages to using more complex deployments that should be considered. Let's take a look. First, you need to hire and/or train for different skill sets. You need to hire and train so that your staff can support all platforms that are part of your multicloud or hybrid cloud deployments. You also need to find a way to keep people around who understand a single platform. This makes…
Introduction to private clouds within multiclouds and hybrid clouds3m 4s
Why do we build complex cloud deployments?1m 51s
Business case for hybrid and multiclouds with private clouds2m 34s
Hybrid clouds and private clouds59s
Multiclouds and private clouds58s
Future direction of private clouds2m