From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
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Should I leverage a private cloud?
From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
Should I leverage a private cloud?
- [Instructor] Although covered earlier, it's helpful to recap why we leverage a private cloud. This is a key question that many enterprises are considering now. Let's look at the whys. A private cloud offers several advantages over public or hybrid cloud models, making it a compelling choice in certain scenarios, but you need to remember that it's not typically a one or the other situation, but rather, private clouds are more frequently leveraged as part of a more extensive deployment, such as a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud, which we covered earlier. First, the core reason that most enterprises leverage a private cloud, leveraging private cloud is often preferred when organizations have strict security and compliance requirements, By hosting data and applications on a in-house infrastructure, businesses have complete control over their security measures and can ensure adherence to industry specific regulations.…
Should I leverage a private cloud?2m 38s
Selecting which private cloud to leverage1m 37s
Preparing for private cloud deployment2m 54s
Considering private cloud security and operations1m 56s
Challenge: What are the steps to a sound private cloud deployment?22s
Solution: Succeeding with private cloud1m 39s