From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
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Introduction to private clouds within multiclouds and hybrid clouds
From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
Introduction to private clouds within multiclouds and hybrid clouds
- [Presenter] Multiclouds are leveraging more than a single cloud provider at the same time. For instance, you may be using AWS, Microsoft, and Google to run different business applications and to store data. This approach is usually leveraged to support best-of-breed technologies, considering that the best database, AI system, and business analytics systems exist on different clouds that are currently not a part of your cloud deployment. Adding that cloud to support a best-of-breed solution is how most enterprises support multicloud. Although most of the focus is on public clouds within multicloud deployments, private clouds are often a part of that deployment as well. This is the reason we'll cover multicloud in this video. Hybrid clouds were defined years ago by NIST, or the National Institute of Standards and Technology, as a paired public and private cloud deployment. They are most often leveraged when enterprises want…
Introduction to private clouds within multiclouds and hybrid clouds3m 4s
Why do we build complex cloud deployments?1m 51s
Business case for hybrid and multiclouds with private clouds2m 34s
Hybrid clouds and private clouds59s
Multiclouds and private clouds58s
Future direction of private clouds2m