From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
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Going deeper with private clouds
From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options
Going deeper with private clouds
- [Instructor] So where do you go from here? Here are some suggestions for what you can do next. First, find a source of information that works for you regarding news around developments of private clouds. This can be podcasts, blogs, or videos that cover this topic. They may cover the topic of cloud computing in general and private clouds as part of their coverage. There are not very many sources that cover private clouds. This will also allow you to be a continuous learner. Second, continue your learning journey. There are valuable courses on cloud computing architecture, cloud networking, and other topics that are related to cloud computing in general. Moreover, some courses discuss specific private clouds, such as the ones we covered here. This allows you to focus on a single private cloud and have a deeper understanding of how it works. Finally, if this area of cloud computing interests you, you can obtain employment…