From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Private Cloud Options

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AWS Outposts security

AWS Outposts security

- [Instructor] AWS Outposts provides a comprehensive approach toward private cloud security. This includes extending the AWS security infrastructure to virtually any on-premise or edge location. Also, AWS Outposts ensures consistency in user experience with the same hardware services, APIs, and tools utilized on both on-premise and in the AWS regions. This hybrid security solution is designed with a focus on security beyond just having some hardware located in your data center. To safeguard your AWS workloads on either their private cloud or public cloud infrastructures, AWS Outposts integrates with traditional AWS services, such as AWS System Manager, SSM, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon GuardDuty. The SSM agent installed on Outposts instances allows for the management and operations of these instances. Again, consistent across public and private clouds. To remain connected to the parent AWS service region or public…
