From the course: Cisco Network Security: Core Security Concepts
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Data center - Cisco Tutorial
From the course: Cisco Network Security: Core Security Concepts
Data center
- [Narrator] The data center is a large group of servers that provide storage, processing, and distribution of critical company data for the network clients. It's the heart of any enterprise network and is located in a central location, generally in a secure computer or server room. Company data is accessed in one of several ways, all of which might have a RAID configuration. Direct attach storage is attached, such has a hard drive in a server. Network attach storage is a group of file servers and storage area network is a separate subnetwork, that houses a large amount of data. A data center will house one or more storage area networks and will most likely have Cloud backup for redundancy. The configuration of the data center is to isolate the servers in a separate subnetwork, that provide a central location to manage access to the servers. Network administrators can then secure, filter, and prioritize traffic. The data…
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