From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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Routed switch port

Routed switch port

(bright music) - [Instructor] We've seen that we can do inter VLAN routing within a layer three or multi-layer switch by creating SVIs, switch virtual interfaces that act as default gateways for the respective VLANs. However, if we want to go out to the rest of the world and maybe communicate with a router, how do we do that? In this video we're going to take a look at an option, and that option is to take one of our layer two ports and make it a layer three port. In other words, make it a routed port. If we have a layer three or multi-layer switch, what we can do is attach our switch to a router, and we're going to go into that switch port that's interconnecting with a router and we're going to configure it as a routed port. So let's say that this link between the switch and the router is on the network. That means there are only two usable IP addresses on this link interconnecting these devices. We'll say that the switch end of that link ends in a .2 and the router…
