From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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- [Instructor] In this switch topology, notice that we're using our three layer hierarchical model where we have the access layer and the distribution layer and the core layer. And we've interconnected these switches such that we have redundancy. We could lose any one link and any switch could still get to any other switch. And to prevent those layer two topological loops, we're running spanning tree protocol. But do you remember the default convergence time for spanning tree protocol? It was 50 seconds. If we were to lose a link that was actively carrying traffic, the port that had previously been active, it would wait in blocking for 20 seconds and then it would transition into a listing state for 15 seconds and then it would transition into a learning state for 15 seconds and then finally it would go active, but that's a 52nd delay by default. Well consider this. What if I'm attaching a PC to an axis layer switch? I would like it to go active immediately. I'm not creating any sort…
