From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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IPv4 address format

IPv4 address format

(electronic atmospheric chiming) - [Instructor] In this video, we want to consider the format or the structure of an IP version four address, and I compare an IP version four address format to a street address. Let's say you ask your friend where they live and they say, let me write it down for you. Here's my address, and they write down 27837th Street. That's a bit confusing. You don't know which of those numbers refer to the house number and which refer to the street number. I mean, after all, they could live at 278 37th Street, or maybe they live at 2783 Seventh Street. You don't know where the dividing line is between the house number and the street number. It's very similar with an IP version four address. An IP version four address is made up of 32 bits. Now the way those bits are written commonly are in a dotted decimal format. We might have Each of those decimal values are separated by a dot, and each of those decimal values can be represented by eight binary bits…
