From the course: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) v1.1 (200-301) Cert Prep

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CDP configuration

CDP configuration

(theatrical music) - [Instructor] Let's take a look at our goals for this CDP demonstration. First of all, we want to identify any layer two adjacent CDP speaking devices and that will give us some summary information about the device or devices that we're adjacent to. But then we want to get a more detailed view and we'll see what information is provided in that more detailed view. We'll see how we can selectively enable or disable CDP on an interface. Maybe our router is going out to our ISP and we don't want to inform our ISP about the version of Cisco iOS that we're running on the router perhaps. Well, we could disable CDP on that one interface. Or if we want, we could disable CDP globally and we'll see how to do that. And let's begin by going out to a Cisco switch and identifying any neighbors it might have. Here we're sitting on switch SW1, and you can see in the topology that there's only one other device in this topology, it's router R1, and CDP is enabled by default on these…
