From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Tips for fixing jittery dynamics

Tips for fixing jittery dynamics - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Tips for fixing jittery dynamics

- [Instructor] Hello, and welcome to another Cinema 4D weekly. This week I want to give you some tips for fixing jittery dynamics. So I have a whole bunch of cloned dominoes here, have a plain object. Let's go ahead and make these objects dynamic. I'm going to go to Simulation Tags, change this floor into a Clutter Body, so these dominoes can collide and fall onto it. And then for these dominoes to make them dynamic in react with physics, I'll add a Simulation Tag, Rigid Body tag. Now if I hit Play, voila, we can see what's going on. You can also see that's a, we have some of our dominoes just falling through the floor. What's going on there? We also have a lot of jittering and a lot of popping and stuff going on here as well. So let's go in tackle why these are falling through the floor. Well, that's because if we go into our Project settings and go to Dynamics and then go to our Expert tab, this is where we'll have…
