From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Record mouse movement into keyframes

Record mouse movement into keyframes - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Record mouse movement into keyframes

- [Instructor] Hello, and welcome back to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week I'm excited to share with you a workflow tip for animating objects, and actually animating objects using mouse movements; so that's recording mouse movement of your mouse, moving objects in your view port, and how you can record it, okay? So it's almost like After Effects Motion Trace, if you've ever used that or are familiar with that feature in After Effects. So I like to use this to record any kind of movement, whether it's just moving objects around your screen, and recording the movement in the view port. But what I really like to use this for is to adding subtle animation to characters. So you can see that if I hit play that the head is just stationary, but I added this nice, subtle movement, and rotation to the joints on the hand, so it's not just a boring static character. So what I'm going to do is do that same thing, add some subtle…
