From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Mapping custom shortcut keys

Mapping custom shortcut keys - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Mapping custom shortcut keys

- [Instructor] Hello again, welcome back to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week, I have a really great, not only Redshift tip for you, but a tip for you to work faster inside of Cinema 4D and that is how you can map custom shortcut keys. And I'm going to show this specifically for Redshift, because I find that by setting up two useful shortcut keys, that actually helps me work a lot faster within the Redshift shader graph, but again, you can use this to assign custom shortcut keys to any function inside of Cinema 4D not just Redshift. So two of the functions that I use a lot in the Redshift for shader graph are create texture node, and then connect node to output. So instead of having to go up here and create texture node, I could set this as a custom shortcut key, just like you can see here, the commander is Shift + C. So what I can do to assign my own shortcut keys to those specific functions are to go up to window…
