From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Intro to alembic workflows

Intro to alembic workflows - CINEMA 4D Tutorial

From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

Intro to alembic workflows

- [Narrator] Hello, and welcome to another Cinema 4D Weekly. This week we're talking sluggish viewports, and how you can remedy them. So whether you have soft body dynamics simulations, dynamic simulations, deformers, generator objects, something in your viewport that is slowing it down and contributing to a sluggish viewport, we're going to talk about how we can solve those types of issues. So I'm just going to hit Escape to pause this animation. And basically, there's one way that a lot of people immediately go to as far as if they want to bake down a piece of geometry, so you can easily play it back in your viewport, and that is by going up to your timeline and dragging and dropping whatever object you want to bake which would be this cube that has the soft body dynamics simulation applied to it, so we just throw it in our timeline, select that object, go to functions and go to bake objects. And here you can select all the…
