From the course: Cinema 4D Weekly

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Animation smears

Animation smears

- [Instructor] Hello again and welcome to another cinema 4D Weekly. This week, I want to cover a way you can add more character to your animations by adding animation smears. Now if you've never heard of the term animation smears, it's basically a technique to accentuate an objects movements in a way to add motion blur to 2D animation. It's like an old cell shading kind of method to add motion blur. And this is a technique we can also utilize in 3D as well. So, I want to add some smearing to this nice arc animation of this hammer kind of swinging. Right now, you know, it looks okay, but we could really accentuate the movement in that arcing motion of this hammer by adding animation smears. And the way I'm going to add it is by utilizing what's called a jiggle deformer. And basically, a jiggle deformer adds nice jiggly movement to your objects. And typically how deformers work in general is you would place them in the…
