From the course: Cinema 4D: Camera Animation
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Enhancing camera moves with F-curves - CINEMA 4D Tutorial
From the course: Cinema 4D: Camera Animation
Enhancing camera moves with F-curves
- When you use the default spline interpolation for all of your key frames, you can end up with some very mushy and boring animation. We'll be taking this simple camera move that reveals the KinetEco logo and we'll add a little bit more life to it. We're gonna do that by using the F-Curve Manager. And within that, we're going to be adjusting the interpolation of some of our key frames until we get a shot like this, with a nice, slow ease in, snappy movement into the end and a nice settle. So let's go ahead and open up the starting version of this project file and take a look at what we've got. We've got a move that starts out at frame zero, ends at frame 90. It's a little bit mushy. Let's take a look at our timeline. So I'm gonna go from my Standard layout to my Animation layout. And inside of here I've got my key frames for my object. Got a key at frame zero, a key at frame 90. And because I'm planning on adjusting the interpolation of my keys, what I wanna do is go to the starting…
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