From the course: Cinema 4D: Camera Animation
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Creating a canyon fly-through with Automatic Banking - CINEMA 4D Tutorial
From the course: Cinema 4D: Camera Animation
Creating a canyon fly-through with Automatic Banking
- We've seen variations on this shot in countless sci-fi movies, but it always takes me back to Luke Skywalker's attack on the Death Star. It's just something so fun about a camera flying through a canyon making steeply banked turns. In this video, we'll use the Motion Camera Tag in order to recreate this shot. In our starting project, you'll see that we've got our model which is just a bunch of polygons that have been extruded up and smoothed out a bit. And I've taken the liberty of drawing a spline path, using a B-spline through these canyons. So there are some very steep turns that have to happen, and let's just see what happens when we take our camera and animate it along this flight path. And the easiest way to do that is to create a Motion Camera Tag, and in the Animation tab here, go to Splines and choose Path Spline-A. So I'm gonna take my flight path right here, and under Camera Position, I'm gonna scroll down and I'm gonna choose Automatic, so I've got an Automatic animation…
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Sweeping shots with the Camera Crane3m 53s
Tracking shots with the Motion Camera tag Spline setting3m 43s
Create a trailing camera with the Chase Object setting3m 2s
Creating a canyon fly-through with Automatic Banking3m 20s
Creating a steadicam effect with the Motion Camera rig4m 42s