From the course: Choosing a Linux Distribution
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Installing Arch Linux - Linux Tutorial
From the course: Choosing a Linux Distribution
Installing Arch Linux
- [Instructor] To get started installing Arch, I'll download an installer from I'll find Download here in the top right. And then I'll choose a mirror to download from. To do that, I'll scroll down and click one of the links to download the image. Here, I'll look for the .iso image, click it, and I'll download this file. When that's done, I'll go over to Virtual Box and create a new virtual machine for this distribution. I'll click on the blue New button, and I'll give my machine a name. I'll give it four gigabytes of RAM, and I'll continue through the wizard. I'll provide 80 gigabytes of hard drive space and I'll click Create. Then I'll attach the installer that I downloaded. To do that, I'll click on the Optical Drive section under the Storage area, click Choose a disk file and browse to the file that I downloaded. Then I'll click open. And I'll click the green button to start the virtual machine.…