From the course: Choosing a Linux Distribution

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Evaluating your needs

Evaluating your needs

- [Instructor] If you ask a Linux enthusiast what the best distro is, they'll usually say it's whatever they use and that you should use the same thing. And when people ask me which distro they should use to get started, if I don't know anything else about them or their needs, I recommend Ubuntu Desktop. But what another Linux enthusiast prefers or what I recommend for most people may not be quite right for you. There's a few reasons for this. One reason is that sometimes we're limited in what our distro choices can be. If we join a company and they use Red Hat Enterprise Linux on their servers and Fedora on their workstations, chances are we don't have a lot of say in what our workstation will be using. Even if the IT department is lenient and lets us pick whatever distro we like, there's a lot of inefficiency in switching back and forth between distros at work if we don't have to. In a similar way, if we're…
