From the course: ChatGPT: Tailoring AI to Your Writing Style

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Create a powerful writing persona: Personalize ChatGPT for your business needs

Create a powerful writing persona: Personalize ChatGPT for your business needs - ChatGPT Tutorial

From the course: ChatGPT: Tailoring AI to Your Writing Style

Create a powerful writing persona: Personalize ChatGPT for your business needs

- Now that we've seen the different components of a prompt that we can use to help manipulate the writing and the output, we can start putting these together into a pattern that we can use to then help us build a voice for how we want to write, and when we're using generative AI. And so we can begin using this to build a pattern free prompt that we can then fill in and use to build up our own voice that allows us to control the generative AI, and what it says, how it says it, how it formats it, and all of this other stuff. So I want to give you a look at what this pattern is, and it's called, "The Writing Persona Pattern." So I'm going to start off with a task, that's a hard task in writing, right? I have this paper that I wrote and I want to write a new section to it. Let's imagine that I've come up with a new pattern. So the original paper did not have the audience persona pattern, and so I want to write the audience persona pattern section of this paper. Now, every pattern that was…
