From the course: ChatGPT: Tailoring AI to Your Writing Style

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Boost your writing power: In-context learning techniques with ChatGPT

Boost your writing power: In-context learning techniques with ChatGPT - ChatGPT Tutorial

From the course: ChatGPT: Tailoring AI to Your Writing Style

Boost your writing power: In-context learning techniques with ChatGPT

- My father was a professor of creative writing, and I was talking to him about this idea of how difficult it is to actually get generative AI to write the way that you want it to write 'cause he's always complaining if he sees something that I have written with generative AI. And usually I'm, you know, sometimes I get sloppy with my prompt engineering and maybe I get something that's not that great. And he told me, he's like, "I can always tell the difference between your writing and something that you've used generative AI." And I think that's probably true most of the time. Now, I think I could prompt engineer my way into something that he could not tell the difference. But, you know, he talked about, and I was like, "You know, if you had to go and write like somebody, wouldn't that be really hard?" And he said, "No, I could do that. No problem." And I was a little bit skeptical. And we talked about it. But the first thing that he said he would do is, I think, something that's…
