From the course: Cert Prep FAA 107 Commercial Drone License

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More aeronautical sectional charts

More aeronautical sectional charts

VOR stands for very high frequency omnidirectional range. I know, right, what a mouthful. That is just a radio transmission. So I want you to imagine that there is a transmitter in the middle of, say, an imaginary circle that is just transmitting omnidirectionally. So it's transmitting everywhere and depending on where the aircraft is, so I have a receiver for this radio frequency. I can then navigate to where that VOR is so that I know where I am. Then you have TACANs which is tactical air navigation. This is for the military. This is exactly the same thing as a VOR, but it's military. And then you have a VORTAC, which is both a VOR and a TACAN. Now, let's talk about Victor Airways. These are highways in the sky. So they usually take you from one navigational aid to another navigational aid. Because remember, it's easy to get lost in the sky, especially if you're flying instrument. Instrument means that there's clouds everywhere. You can't see anything outside of the cockpit. Anyway,…
