From the course: Cert Prep: Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional

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Suppression states

Suppression states

- [Instructor] Suppression states allow me to turn features on or off or control which components are in each configuration of a part. For example, if I right-click on either one of these components here and I click on suppress, it's going to remove that component. If I go back and turn it back on, so I unsuppress it, it brings it back. If I go to this first component here, I can do the exact same thing, suppress that component, or bring it back. I also have a feature down here that is cutting through both of these parts as an in assembly feature. I can right-click on that and suppress that feature and it takes it out of both parts. So a couple different options for suppression states in this assembly. I'm going to go ahead and turn that right back on and then take a look at some configurations. So over here at configurations, I have a default configuration, and that one doesn't happen to have that rectangle cut out in the center. If I switch between the other one, it'll show up. Now…
