From the course: Cert Prep: Autodesk Fusion 360 User

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Understanding assembly structure

Understanding assembly structure - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Cert Prep: Autodesk Fusion 360 User

Understanding assembly structure

- [Instructor] Fusion 360 has the ability to link files into a design, but its native behavior is to be able to create multiple components in a single design. This makes it easy to explore ideas without the file management overhead, common to most mechanical CAD-systems. This flexibility does have some trade-offs, in that you have to be more aware of what state a component is in, and whether or not it's simply a body, or an assembly component. Looking at the Joint Breaker Assembly, I see that there are multiple components in the browser. Looking more closely at the browser, we can see there are two individual components, and one component that has a sub-component. There's also a Bodies folder at the top level. This could present a problem, as a body that is at the top level cannot have assembly joints applied to it. To rectify this, we have a couple of options. One, is to move the body under another existing component, another is to create a new component from that existing body. I'll…
