From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 1 Cloud Concepts, Architecture, and Design Audio Review
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From the course: CCSP Cert Prep: 1 Cloud Concepts, Architecture, and Design Audio Review
- [Instructor] In chapter two, I explained virtualization, the foundational technology of cloud computing. Let's review some of the key points from that chapter. (whooshing) Virtualization allows an organization to run many different virtual servers on the same shared hardware. Virtualization allows the pooling of resources to satisfy the greatest possible amount of computing demand at the lowest possible cost. (whooshing) In a virtualized environment, the host machine has physical hardware resources: processors, memory, storage, and networking. (whooshing) That hardware then hosts several or many virtual guest machines that run operating systems of their own. (whooshing) The host machine runs special software known as a hypervisor. The hypervisor manages the guest virtual machines. There are two different types of hypervisors. (odd sound playing) In a type-one hypervisor, also known as a bare-metal hypervisor, the…
Cloud concepts1m 59s
Cloud concepts Q&A1m 29s
Virtualization1m 54s
Virtualization Q&A1m 35s
Cloud building blocks3m 9s
Cloud building blocks Q&A1m 31s
Cloud reference architecture3m 1s
Cloud reference architecture Q&A1m 47s
Emerging technologies in the cloud2m 49s
Emerging technologies in the cloud Q&A1m 29s
Evaluating cloud service providers2m 11s
Evaluating cloud service providers Q&A1m 16s