From the course: Cause Selling: The Secret to Nonprofit Donations
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From the course: Cause Selling: The Secret to Nonprofit Donations
- How involved do you want to be in making this change happen? Imagine asking yourself that question about your own organization. Your answer would probably include a lot of language around your commitment to the cause, the mission and the goals. You're deeply involved in your organization, but most donors won't have quite the same level of dedication as you. Some donors want to write a check, fill the warm glow of giving and move on to the next cause. Others want to give more money, and will offer their expertise, and networks to benefit your shared mission. Learning about their commitment level, and how engaged they want to be with your organization is critical to figure out the best course of action for cultivating a relationship. Donors engage with the organizations they support in three key ways. They give, do and communicate. Motivations for giving tend to be very personal such as having a passion for the…