From the course: Canva Essential Training

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Set up a team

Set up a team

- [Instructor] In this video, we will see how to set up a team in Canva, an established group of people you can work with and share designs with. But before we see this, we need to clarify an important detail. From the Canva website, we can go to the menu at the top for plans and pricing, then go to compare pricing. So in this course we've talked about the free version of Canva and the pro version but there's also a teams subscription. Now, you might think that you are required to have a team subscription before you can make or join a team but that is not the case. Anybody can create or join a team even if they have the free account. If you do that, the members of the team will be limited to the free features. The team subscription is a way to enable all of the pro features as well as a few additional team-based features for all members of your team. We will see some features in the chapter about branding tools which…
