From the course: Camtasia 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Using markers

Using markers

- [Instructor] Markers are one of the most useful tools that you have at your disposal when editing your screencasts, and the keyboard commands for markers are the same on both Mac and Windows. I think of markers as sticky notes for your timeline. You can use them to remind yourself of where to make specific edits in your movies, for aligning content and clips, and for much, much more. Now to see your marker track, just click the small dropdown here on the left side of your timeline. If underneath of it it doesn't say markers, click this little dropdown and make sure it's selected. You can also press Control + M to bring up this marker track. And markers can be attached to your timeline or to clips, and they mark a specific point in time. To attach a marker to a specific time in your timeline, just move your mouse down to the location where you want to make a marker, and then go up to this little small bar…
